Innovation Labs: open innovation, outside and inside the corporation (4/4)

4 types of innovation labs: following the description of the 1) Disruptive Labs, and 2) Rapid Innovation Labs, we move now to the 3) Open Innovation Labs, and 4) Innovation Culture and Intrapreneurship Labs.

Innovation Labs: rapid innovation (3/4)

4 types of innovation labs: following description of 1) Disruptive Labs, we cover here 2) Rapid Innovation Labs; next post will move to the 3) Open Innovation Labs, and 4) Innovation Culture and Intrapreneurship Labs.

Innovation Labs: disruption, and new business models (2/4)

4 types of innovation labs: following litterature review, we describe here the 1) Disruptive Labs. Next posts will cover 2) Rapid Innovation Labs, 3) Open Innovation Labs, and 4) Innovation Culture and Intrapreneurship Labs.

Innovation Labs: compose your recipe for success (1/4)

4 types of innovation labs are emerging: 1) Disruptive Labs 2) Rapid Innovation Labs 3) Open Innovation Labs, and 4) Innovation Culture and Intrapreneurship Labs. Before describing them in details, we complete in this post a short litterature review.

Business Model Innovation

Business model innovation topic is rising up since 2000. Digital industry has started the game, and now every industry is a playground for innovative business models, and tremendous variations. One path remains clear : you should start from the value created by your innovation to design its business model.