Make sure your innovation succeed with The Right It, by Alberto Savoia

With his book The right it, Alberto Savoia goes one step further, and takes us thoroughly through the process of testing an innovation idea: formulating the assumptions, to test, imagining the suited pretotyping tools and activating them cheap, and interpreting the results wisely.

Scaling-up your innovation internationally, with Sihem Jouini and Christophe Midler

Sihem Jouini and Christophe Midler, heading the PIC Master at Polytechnique Engineering and HEC Business School, just published a book on ‘Innovation management and globalization’, encompassing the research work and internship experience of their students.

Live or VOD, a battle from another time for TV apps, by Iris Yuster

As video on tablet becomes primary, VOD and TV apps must update rapidly. The artificial separation between “Live TV’ and “VOD” apps is an outdated argument. Iris takes us through a typical user journey to make his point.